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Superheroes Needed empowers climate-anxious and connection-hungry folks to realize their superpowers to fight for our right to a livable climate by holding the powers that be accountable and building resilient and vibrant communities. 

Through intimate workshops, fun talks, and a vibrant growing online community, Superheroes Needed gives people space to dream about what their role could be, to move from despair (or indifference) to action — and equip them, as the experts of their own lived experience, with inspiration and tools to step into their climate superpowers. 

Guided by joy as an act of resistance and a strategy for resilience and longevity in the movement, SN facilitates deep reflection and skill-building disguised as fun – this is about going from contemplating, to doing, to being. Superheroes Needed rejects the Western, individualistic idea that one superhero will save us; in fact we are all superheroes, and we need each other. 

When I was nine, I started a project aptly named Superheroes Needed that was recognized by Bill McKibben’s national climate rally. The organization was founded upon the idea that each of us can enjoy realizing our potential as superheroes to fight for our right to a livable climate. Now, 18 years after founding Superheroes Needed, it’s more relevant than ever.

It’s about doing away with the Western, individualistic idea that one superhero will save us. It’s about understanding our power as individuals: to hold the powers that be accountable, to make individual changes that are accessible to us, and to build communities of like-minded people. It’s about looking at what and who you love, and knowing that your lived experience is enough to protect those things. You don’t need a degree to be an expert. The truth: we are all superheroes, and we need each other.

— Madeleine